Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Emotive Peaks

I have decided to further investigate the relationship between the emotive peaks between the score and visuals in film.

The following is a clip from Martin Brest's "Meet Joe Black". The score was written and produced by Thomas Newman. Newsman's work on "Meet Joe Black" was what initially interested me in film score. I think was the first time I had actively paid attention to what the music was doing throughout a film.
The scene shows a young man and woman meeting for the first time and hesitantly discussing what they want from a relationship. The score first appears when Brad Pitts character admits that he "likes" Claire Forlanis character and is relatively uplifting. The music further builds in this uplifting manner when Claire Forlanis character admits to liking Brad Pitts. However when the couple have to say goodbye and walk away from each other the music takes a more negative turn, reflecting the characters emotions of sadness and regret.

A brief examination of this clip has led to an initial research question: How do the emotive peaks of film score work effectively in relation to the peaks of a films visual?

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Initial Thoughts

My initial thought is to conduct a project centered on film score. The honors year is a chance to 100% commit to a project I may not have the chance to undertake later in life and film score is what interests me. However as my personal interest isn't justification enough to carry out an honors project a relevant research area/aim must be established.

Personal Note: Look into emotive peaks of film score and how they coincide with emotive peaks of visuals in film.

Blog For Honours Year Project: Introduction

The following blog posts will keep an up to date record of any research undertaken, developments made or any ideas had regarding my honors project. The first stages of my process will involve establishing a research question.